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#   Novel cyclooxygenase (COX) and peroxidasin (PXDN) sequences analyzed in the current study
#   Antarctic invertebrates
#   PI: K. Halanych (Auburn U)
#   version: 2016-12-27
#     NOTE: These data were publishedl (201ble 1 of Havird et a0072015) J Mol Evol. DOI 10.1    NOTE: -015-9670-3
#     NOTE: 'a'  Indicates "rogue" sequences removed from selected phylogenetic analyses
Sequence_name                  Organism                           Size_bp    Size_AA    Trinity_assembly_contig    NCBI_accession    link_NCBI_accession                                                                              
COXa Prochaetoderma            Prochaetoderma californicum        2231       478        comp154570_c0_seq6         KM437908               KM437908         
COXb Prochaetoderma            Prochaetoderma californicum        2243       413        comp154570_c0_seq7         KM437909               KM437909         
aCOX Simrothiella              Simrothiella margaritacea          2475       599        comp42267_c0_seq1          KM437900               KM437900         
COX Entonomenia                Entonomenia tricarinata            2206       626        comp65102_c0_seq1          KM437914               KM437914         
COX Epimenia                   Epimenia babai                     832        170        comp317419_c0_seq1         KM437913               KM437913         
COXa Proneomenia               Proneomenia custodiens             965        321        comp58035_c0_seq1          KM437931               KM437931         
COXb Proneomenia               Proneomenia custodiens             3594       635        comp71711_c0_seq7          KM437932               KM437932         
COXa Neomenia                  Neomenia carinata                  322        107        comp1041492_c0_seq1        KM437911               KM437911         
COXb Neomenia                  Neomenia carinata                  2597       603        comp90940_c0_seq1          KM437910               KM437910         
COX Helluoherpia               Helluoherpia aegiri                1571       477        comp25483_c0_seq1          KM437903               KM437903         
COX Macellomenia               Macellomenia schanderi             4280       608        comp37681_c0_seq1          KM437902               KM437902         
COX Pacific psammonworm        Meiomenia swedmarki                3036       601        comp48139_c0_seq10         KM437901               KM437901         
aCOX Apodomenia                Apodomenia enigmatica              437        145        comp12349_c0_seq1          KM437912               KM437912